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As you can see, I lost interest in updating this place (that didn't take too long, did it?) I might end up doing it once again eventually, but time will tell. For now, please enjoy a picture of a kot who's very pleased about the sandwich in front of him.

back at the summerhouse


I have successfuly changed both rear shock absorbers on my car few days ago, as I said I would (the difference is night and day). Also apparently my car just hit 500k kilometers total - not too bad for this old heap of rusted metal. Today, however, is the first time in more than a month that I got to visit my summerhouse, and probably more than two months that I got to do so on my own, with focus on getting work done. There are a lot of things that need to be done, first of them was cutting up a tree that fell over on the road, barring entry to the summerhouse (click on the image to see it in full size). I did an impromptu purchase today of acquiring a two-stroke weed whacker - I had an electric one before, but you can only reach so much with extension cords, also the guy was selling it for a very reasonable price. I arrived pretty late so I didn't get a chance to get much stuff done yet, however I do have plans for tomorrow, which includes installing plastic windows that have been sitting in their packaging for way too long. Also fuck seasonal flies.

road legal again


Finally, after a good month and a half, I was finally able to pass technical inspection for my car. There are so many things I need to do now that I couldn't do before. It's gonna be tough, but the sooner I start doing stuff, the sooner I can rest my head without having a frustratingly long to-do list in the back of my head to worry about. Let's get that stuff done, starting tomorrow!

code clean-up


Decided to do some code clean-up on every single page I wrote so far ("wrote" as in haphazardly copy-pasted from random places until stuff started to work). Now HTML for the pages is as neat and condensed as I could make it. The results are pretty satisfying, and will be especially satisfying whenever I'll feel like modifying certain parts of the layout. All-in-all, great stuff.
P.S. Added a radio player to the news page, because why not.

new furniture, old car


Somewhat of a busy day today. Had to go help out my aunt with some stuff, followed by acquisition of a kitchen bench + table combo that my coworker was willing to give away. What followed next was me getting a call that my car's bodywork was finally fixed up (it didn't pass technical inspection because of severe rust damage). Parts of the underside were cut out with replacements welded in and spray painted over after proper anti-rust + anti-gravel treatment. 650 euros in total. Not the prettiest job, but for me longevity is more important than looks, and this guy has a good reputation for exceling in exactly that. He also did the bottom part of my doors as an extra because he had some left-over paint. Good stuff.

curious dream


Had a strange dream.
Went up to the secretary working at my facility and tried to ask her out on a date.

She declined. :-)

guestbook added


Now there's a guestbook on the website.
It's a bit wonky and doesn't like images wider than 400px, but it's better than nothing.
Implemented a different guestbook that isn't as selective with who can post, downside being no text formatting or embeds.
Be sure to leave a message!

P.S. Check out the "video mystery zone" on the "media" page ;-)

hello world


Website has been hacked together and is now available to explore (sort of)
All those who venture in - greetings!