hello there!
I go by many aliases, but over here I'm simply Blifa (Blini + Factories).
This website is a spiritual successor to my first test website that I built back in 2017 and hosted through xampp for a week or so. The name comes from then-known meme "kot blini", which was popular on krautchan /int/, and me being a lowly factory worker in real life. Back then the whole idea, name and the logo for the website was thrown together in a day or two by me with help from very good friends at Gikopoi. I've had ideas of setting up a persistent website to use as a joke "bussiness card" of sorts in the past, but me not being a code monkey has postponed such ideas. Some modified code that was yoinked from a dead mid-00s website for a Half-Life 2 mod has worked out great in this regard though! This website has been set up to be coherent even if you block absolutely everything, including the css file. Here I'll be mostly hosting random thoughts and updates, posting images and using the place as a storage for links to cool websites that I might not want to lose. Hopefully something fun comes out of all of this. I'm always available for a chat - feel free to contact me through e-mail!
- Blifa
Mr. Kot Blini, founder and CEO of "Blini Factories"